Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So how do you find good JV partners?

So how do you find good JV partners?

Step 1 - Decide what you need from your joint venture partner. What expertise or
resources do they need to posses to contribute to your project?

If you are looking for someone to promote your membership site it may be tempting to
approach the internet marketers that own the largest mailing lists. However, it may be more
productive to look for individuals that are experts in your niche subject, whose customer lists
will be more targeted to your project even if they are not as extensive.

© 2007 All Rights Reserved: Power House Technology, LLC - Published by MembershipMillionaire.com

Step 2 - Networking is the key to finding a great joint venture partnership.

If you identify someone you would like to partner with, be careful about how you approach
them. If you think they would make a good JV partner, the chances are many other internet
marketers will have the same idea and they will get asked on a regular basis.

The following tips may help you when contacting your prospective JV partner:

• Find out everything about what they do beforehand. Read any reports or e-books
they have written.

• If they have a membership site, sign up for it and get to know their subscribers. Is
the project you want to involve this person in, or the product you want to sell really
appropriate for their customers?

• Marketing Seminars offer a multitude of networking possibilities. Many great joint
ventures have been conceived over a drink in the hotel bar, or over dinner at one of
these seminars.

Step 3 - Contacting a potential partner with your proposal.

• Try to get hold of their telephone number if possible rather than sending an e-mail.

• If you must send an e-mail, make it a personal one and not a standard request, or the
chances are they will simply delete it.

• You need to try to build a relationship with this person. If they are going to enter a
project with you, and potentially promote your product to their customers, they will
want to know something about you and the way you work.

• Don’t give them a sales pitch. A more straightforward approach will be appreciated.

• Don’t assume they are only interested in the amount of money they can make from
your project. They may be more concerned about the quality of your membership site
and their credibility with their existing customer list.

Perfect Partners Equal Profound Profits

Perfect Partners Equal Profound Profits

How to find the perfect JV partner

When you establish your membership site, it is possible to do absolutely everything yourself.
It is possible to design the site, produce all of the content, articles and products for sale, and
spend a long time putting together a mailing list of prospective members to try to sell the site

Why would you want to do that?

Team up with joint venture partners and establish a mutually beneficial relationship, (and start
making a profit from your project in less time than you ever thought possible.)

What sort of people make great JV partners?

Anybody involved in the internet marketing industry or your specific niche can be a joint
venture partner. One of the most common joint ventures occurs when one partner has a new
product to sell and another partner has an existing mailing list to promote that product to.

Although this is the most common setup, joint ventures can be arranged between any of the
following partners:

• Membership sites
• Promoters
• Customer mailing list owners
• Trainers
• Copywriters
• AdSense marketers
• Subject matter experts
• Consultants

How to keep your affiliates selling and selling and selling…

How to keep your affiliates selling and selling and selling…

Let’s face it, interest wanes. The initial enthusiasm an affiliate may feel about promoting your
product is likely to decline as they find new affiliate programs to join and new exciting
products to sell. They may not want to keep on repetitively pushing your membership site to
their customers and so their sales performance will inevitably drop.

One way to keep your affiliates selling is to regularly send them new material. Different
advertisements, articles to reprint, and new graphics will all add valuable content to an
affiliate’s website, or give them a reason to promote your product again in their newsletters.

Another way to motivate your affiliates is to:

• Run contests.
• Pay them well.
• Provide them with an abundance of marketing and promotional material.
• Get them involved in the community.

What tools do you need to provide for your affiliates to succeed beyond your wildest dreams?

What tools do you need to provide for your affiliates to succeed beyond your wildest

A link back to your site and some form of advertising such as a banner or side bar.

Detailed information about your product, including selling points, what makes it different from
other products, and its value.

Ad copy, free reprint articles, email promos, free brandable reports (which affiliates will brand
with their own link), and even a free ebook.

The more tools you give your affiliates the better. Stay in touch with your affiliates and give
them tips on how they can improve their sales conversions.

Here’s what to expect from a great affiliate partner

Here’s what to expect from a great affiliate partner:

Affiliate marketing partners use affiliate programs to make additional revenue from their
websites, and each site will likely feature a number of affiliate programs. They use the basic
tools you provide for them, but may not put a lot of work into promoting your product.

Super affiliates build a website around your affiliate program and really promote your product.
They use all the marketing material you provide them to pre-sell your membership site to their
customers before they follow the link to your site. They may even have a customer list to

© 2007 All Rights Reserved: Power House Technology, LLC - Published by MembershipMillionaire.com

promote your product to. Using this type of affiliate results in more sales, but may also
require paying them a higher commission.

JV partners provide targeted marketing to their own customer list. You may work with your JV
partner to come up with specific offers that will appeal to their particular audience. This
customized marketing results in a higher conversion rate often requiring a higher commission.

Attracting Affiliates And Helping Them Sell Your Site

Attracting Affiliates And Helping Them Sell Your Site

If You Build it… They Will Come?

No doubt about it, how you promote your affiliate program and who you get to sell your site is
the key to your program’s success.

So who makes a good affiliate marketer? Who do you want selling your website?

There is no one better than your own members. Who knows your website better? Who
knows the ins and outs and the total benefit of membership? Okay, so your own members
are a great place to start but who else?

How about?
• Business owners with related but not competitive businesses.
• Join affiliate marketing or related forums.
• Promote your membership and affiliate program through article marketing.
• Seek joint venture partners and contact them individually.
• Get current affiliates to recruit new ones by offering a two tier affiliate recruitment

Building Your Brand – 5 Keys to Membership Site Recognition

Building Your Brand – 5 Keys to Membership Site Recognition

Imagine how fantastic it would be to have people all around you see your logo and instantly
recall your business. We’re talking immediate and permanent brand recognition. Here are
three keys to get you where you want to be.

Key #1 - Your Logo

Think about YouTube and Monster.com. Both of those websites have a tremendous
presence on the internet and both have an outstanding logo. You see it anywhere, on a pen
or the side of a bus and you instantly recognize the company.

Think of the benefit your website would receive with such a powerful tool. A memorable, eye
catching logo will do more to promote your brand than pages and pages of sales copy.
Here’s what to do to make yours stand out.

1. Simple shapes and strong colors work best in logo design.

2. Choose something that is significant and individual for your site. You are unlikely
to create the perfect logo using clipart.

3. You don’t want your logo to look too much like someone else’s or you may face
legal action for trademark violation.

4. Check that any symbols you use in your logo aren’t going to be seen as offensive
by other cultures. The internet is a worldwide market and you don’t want to upset
your potential customers.

5. Incorporate a slogan or statement. Place your USP right in front of them, where it
won’t be ignored.

6. Don’t forget to use your logo everywhere.

Key #2 - Find a style and stick to it. Repetitive design elements are crucial to building your
brand. This means if your logo and website are orange and blue, your newsletter will repeat
those elements, your information products will repeat those elements. This holds true for
fonts, shapes, colors, everything that goes into the look and feel of your website.

Key #3 - Newsletters. Brand awareness is about communication. Newsletters are an
excellent way to connect with your audience, and beyond, on a regular basis. Remember to
continue your design throughout your newsletter and make sure that the content rocks so
people will forward it and thus increase your readership and subscription list.

© 2007 All Rights Reserved: Power House Technology, LLC - Published by MembershipMillionaire.com

Key #4 - Articles. Downloadable articles will be shared. Published articles demonstrate a
higher level of credibility and reach a broader audience. Free article websites draw traffic.
There’s no two ways about it, articles are an outstanding marketing and branding tool. Define
your look, define your voice and you’ll define and brand your business.

Key #5 - Your everlasting ‘About Us’ section. Who is on your team, enquiring minds want
to know. It’s true, people like to know a little bit about who they’re dealing with and your about
us page is the best way to tell them. Not only that, it helps to establish your brand by giving
folks an inside look. Information like credentials, personal interests, passions, and anything
relevant to the site help to establish your business